Anapakaya Pulusu (Bottle Gourd in Tamrind Gravy)

>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Bottle gourd (Anapakaya) - 2 small
Tomatoes - 4 medium size
Onion - 1
Cilantro (chopped) - 1/2 cup
Ginger - 1" piece
Red chili powder - 2 tsp
Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
Tamarind - 1" ball
Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
Curry leaves - a few
Asafoetida (Inguva) - a pinch


  • Wash and peel the bottle gourd. Cut them into circular pieces as shown.

  • Cut two tomatoes into small pieces.
  • Grind the other two tomatoes in a hand blender with a cup of water.
  • Soak tamarind in 4 cups of hot water. Extract juice from the tamarind and set aside.
  • Add 1 Tbsp of oil to a thick bottomed pan on medium heat.
  • When the oil is hot add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves and asafoetida.
  • Next add grated ginger and onion cut into small pieces.
  • Saute until onion is translucent mixing occasionally (approximately 5 to 7 minutes).
  • Next add turmeric and chili powder and mix well.
  • Now add bottle gourd pieces and salt to taste. Mix well. Cover and cook for 10 minutes ( stirring occasionally ).
  • Next add the cut tomatoes, mix well and cover and cook for 10 more minutes.
  • Next add ground tomatoes and tamarind juice. Cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Uncover and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serve it hot.

Goes very well with steamed rice.


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